Opoka.Chris : Writing

Dancing To Kampala Songs

Dancing To Kampala Songs

A Chapter by Opoka.Chris

Reaction of Ugandans to failed payment of dues owed to Ugandan traders by GOSS
An Equatorian response

An Equatorian response

A Chapter by Opoka.Chris

A response in defense of Equatorian indentity
Journey to Southern Sudan's independence

Journey to Southern Sudan's independence

A Chapter by Opoka.Chris

Discussing the right to self determination
Right to dissent earns treason in a frail leadership

Right to dissent earns treason in a frail leadersh..

A Chapter by Opoka.Chris

Dissenting views earn prison terms
 Something to laugh about

Something to laugh about

A Chapter by Opoka.Chris

Muddling in the SPLM politics
Southern Independence and FEDERALISM

Southern Independence and FEDERALISM

A Chapter by Opoka.Chris

Earlier discussions of Federalism
“You cannot see the forest before the trees”

“You cannot see the forest before the trees”

A Chapter by Opoka.Chris

Discussing national interests and tribal ones
Eight No Agreements Signed in Addis

Eight No Agreements Signed in Addis

A Chapter by Opoka.Chris

Final peace talks end without any agreement, March 2015
Our stone wall-of-liberation harder than most

Our stone wall-of-liberation harder than most

A Chapter by Opoka.Chris

Comparing suffering of South Sudanese liberators with those of other countries
Infestation of national recruitment policies

Infestation of national recruitment policies

A Chapter by Opoka.Chris

Loopholes in national recruitment policies that entrench more division among common peoples

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