Kobyo : Writing

Natural Causes

Natural Causes

A Poem by Kobyo

I am standing on the highest cliff In the Grand Canyon, I�m looking down towards all the small details that nature created, and maybe towa..


A Poem by Kobyo

I am surrounded by green and bad vibrations


A Poem by Kobyo

Because nature has its own way of keeping the progress alive
Break a Promise

Break a Promise

A Poem by Kobyo

Because we are stronger, she said. And love can overcome anything...


A Poem by Kobyo

Because I can�t undo anything I�ve already done
Looking for Bantik

Looking for Bantik

A Poem by Kobyo

I find myself often riding the train, Passing from car to car, from stop to stop, Desperately Looking for her, And I wonder� How many c..
When you come

When you come

A Poem by Kobyo

there's so much that i want to say and so much that i need to do with you. if you'll come. when you come.
Till Death

Till Death

A Poem by Kobyo

You said to her once 'I will never let go' And you lied, oh so you lied


A Poem by Kobyo

I'm going now away from here My eyes are getting tired I wish that I could fly away That's why I say my prayers. Walk with me, come with me I'm..