Could notcollapse I want a drink I want the foolish lick of vodka and orange juiceI awoke after a smather'd pasted falling down (drunken)I want to sli..
my children pass by, this poem is incomplete
sitting in the middle of a field at 2a.m.
my arms are pendulums my feet are hammers my walk is trustworthy
I lean over to look at a worm like
a bent nail
my eyes are vacuum cleaners ..
I look out
and see myself sitting in my car
bent over, eyes like bees, hands mine but not mine
a finger digging, pointing into my ear
I am ..
we climbed higher and higherbugs, snakes, the presure of climbing must have entered my headi should have known better than take a twelve year old i sh..
a poem for everyone who wants to listen.i miss the old word processor and before that the type writer and before that my valuable notebooks.i was craz..
drowning, i should have known i would
what with
constant reaching inside myself to
pronounce things, grabbing the vermont roadmap
you cannot go there, like black and white (holsteins)in the pasture to the side of the house you cannot go there we are children there and the water i..
really upside downwith worms comingout your mouthand smooth...no, hardnightmare consequencesin the middle of the dayand all the people theypass byon t..