There he lays, back flat against a cold, metal table. The smell of sterilizer fills the air, replacing the smell of his once fragrant cologne. The tan..
The ArtistIn the dead of night, anything is possible. The world is a dark canvas, waiting and willing for the right mind to come in and paint the scen..
It over, it’s done, the curtains’ closed.I gently lay down this delicate rose.The door is shut, your life has gone.I guess it’s time..
I would say that I'm sorry,If only it were true.But quite honestly darling,I really thought you knew.For when I stole your heart,I thought it would be..
It started off so simple, so harmless. As if the stars and the moon collided in a brusque moment of beautiful commotion, we had once more become the c..
A group of teens go out on a search for a mysterious creature