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Block Writer Block Writer

About Me

A man has an idea. It's not an idea that will change the world, but if it can change just one soul, when accomplished, it will all have been worthwhile. Everyday literate people read. It makes no difference whether they read a newspaper, the trailer at the bottom of a television show, or a work document� Some even do most of their reading on the internet. The time of the story is slowly coming to an end. This saddens me greatly. There was once a time when story was all mankind had. It is called oral history. Everyone has a story to tell. If they tell one person, they have gifted only one with the emotion which that story provokes. If the story is written down, passed along between peers, the emotion can grow, the wisdom can pass amongst many. Imagine if you will making a mistake which taught you a lesson. Now imagine that those circumstances were written down. Not only would you learn from this mistake, so too would all who read it. If this process had happened from the beginnings of time as we know it, would we have run out of mistakes yet? Probably not, but the missteps we make every day would naturally lessen somewhat. Is that not a wonderful idea. I will write down the stories I know, as well as the ones I imagine. Perhaps they will someday be bound into a volume someone will value and carry with them. That is my wish, to touch one person with my stories and to let the rest take care of itself.