I'm not even gonna bother,
Calling Again.
Ring Ring, Ring Ring
Till I'm About To Give Up
And Then Your Voicemail Kicks In
"Do not leave a mess..
You told me we were perfect together
That we were lovers and best friends
I believed finally that we could actually
Last forever
You told me there..
I need to edit this yet, but its basically about my boyfriend and I, and our conversation about no matter what the other does we'll still be united...
I think this is kinda s**t, but oh well.
Credit - secondhand tink. her write prides silence inspired this shizzle. Its s**t but oh well.
inspired after reading fireworks and bitemarks by spilled her guts in cursive. amazing poetry btw jackie
Take a long walk off a short pier,
Pop a couple pills to make you feel right again
Play football in the centre of the M1,
Before Iget my fists to m..
how i feel, but not really all of it. tried to write it down but it just turned into this.
A collaboration between me (blue) and a close friend, Jackie aka Spilled Her Guts In Cursive (red).
We've got distance down to a science,
I'll accept how you look.
I'll accept, the way you act.
I'll accept the striding, irritating walk
I used to know so well,
As long as you're walkin..