Every day I walk this razor blade thin line that divides my sanity,rusty metal spikes wait beneath me,one unsure step and they are sure to crush me,
everyones so happy, why not me?falling in love, hearts beat together.amI beating out of time?candels flicker yet stay aflame.didI burn out so soon?eve..
gasping for breath, holding my chest,screaming in pain, remebering you,how you forgot me,how your not here, why you left me,forever,you have the power..
You push me down,
You kill me inside,You dont even know it,
but you hurt me,IthoughtI loved you,
butI was wrong,Because someone so wonderful,
You know every thing that makes me tick,My each and every flaw,You know how to make me happy when I’m feeling down,You know exactly when to come..
Poem i wrote about a friend.