King James : Writing

Season of Paradise

Season of Paradise

A Poem by King James

Tis the season!
Delicate Prominence

Delicate Prominence

A Poem by King James

Delicate Prominence Your will is as strong as a diamond and your beauty surpasses a rose, Even with the distance we are from each other our relati..
A Kings Queen

A Kings Queen

A Poem by King James

A Kings Queen There’s trouble lurking behind each corner and concealed in the shadows, Death leads some to a path lower than the sediment of..
The Day Reality Arrived

The Day Reality Arrived

A Poem by King James

Knock!!! Knock!!!
Only by You

Only by You

A Poem by King James

Hope you will one day read this... where ever you are!
Our Amreica

Our Amreica

A Poem by King James

This land is your land... this land is my land....
Living With In

Living With In

A Poem by King James

In your heart my I lay!
Still Here

Still Here

A Poem by King James

Not Going anywhere!
Done trying

Done trying

A Poem by King James

I'm just getting STARTED!!!!
Requiem of loves Bliss!

Requiem of loves Bliss!

A Poem by King James

Hear me chanting you name... no longer a name now the song! One dedicated to my inspiration... JANE!