Humanity's only hope.
The heroine is the human race
You can see the features of her face
They are the story that we trace
Not telling destination but course and pace
Intended to be in the style, or spirit, of mythology. Not necessarily of Western origin, the development of the name is a childish manipulation of pho..
Not A Love Poem!
Hey there, whats that aroma seeping on the people's skin from within
What wafts among their every follicle when goose bumps flair their hair
To ..
While reading Civil Disobidience, one of the most influential writings in the world, I came across this and felt it was an appropriate sentiment to ha..
He lost his memory of himself
But felt he knew who he was
He could see them so clearly
He saw right through them
This couldn't be real
Its about as far as it can get
Without getting out
It's not the space in between, it's the two points in space
The very last atom in the sole o..
We have soared above the savages
Advanced beyond the ancients
We no longer have to be somewhere to get something
Or go someplace to turn in anoth..
Roman, Greeks, Efyptians and more
Crumbled under forces the North always bore
Empires shattered and people freed
At least, until the conquero..