kimmy : Writing

Worse Deal Ever 8

Worse Deal Ever 8

A Chapter by kimmy

He didn’t move or say anything. He was watching her. Was she going crazy? She didn’t care. She had to back track.“I mean. I us, I th..
Worse Deal Ever 9

Worse Deal Ever 9

A Chapter by kimmy

When they were inside the room, he turned around and locked the door behind them. He was looking out the window and checking to make sure the window i..
Worse Deal Ever 10

Worse Deal Ever 10

A Chapter by kimmy

She walked into the bathroom closing the door behind her. She got undressed again. She figured it would just be easier to get all the dye from her hai..
Worse Deal Ever 11

Worse Deal Ever 11

A Chapter by kimmy

Since Jimmy and his crew burned down his cabin and seem to be everywhere they are what was they going to do? Where were they going to go? She knew the..
Worse Deal Ever 12

Worse Deal Ever 12

A Chapter by kimmy

Emerald had been lying in a lumpy bed for two hours now and there was still no word from Tony. Oh well she should be grateful to that but of course sh..
Worse Deal Ever 13

Worse Deal Ever 13

A Chapter by kimmy

I am sorry this is short, it is not done. I need to take a break... If anyone gets to this part you may want to wait until I add more or you can read ..
Worse Deal Ever 14

Worse Deal Ever 14

A Chapter by kimmy

emerald bowed her head and turned to live the room, she felt shame and hurt over Tony not wanting her."Emerald wait! I'm sorry this is not right and w..
Worse Deal Ever 15

Worse Deal Ever 15

A Chapter by kimmy

Tony was exploring her body with his hands and eyes; he looked kind of like a child in a candy store. Emerald smiled at the thought of her b..
Worse Deal Ever 16

Worse Deal Ever 16

A Chapter by kimmy

Emerald woke the next morning alone that start her day off very well on top of being alone her body was sore. She hasn't made love that many tim..
Worse Deal Ever 17

Worse Deal Ever 17

A Chapter by kimmy

Emerald felt her heart stop and speed back up when she saw the head lights of that car. She froze against the house and listened. The lights wen..