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Flat lick, KY
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About Me

Lets see what can i say about myself.
My name is Kimberly Hinkle:)
Born on Jan 2nd 1991
My home is in Kentucky*
i don't live in the past. i live in the present & look forward to the future=]
Walking Through Life With The Best Guy By My Side, Which i am engaged to♥
& I care about Him more than words could ever possibly explain.
I love my life<33 I'm happy at least 99% of the time..
Things are so different now & it all happened within a blink of an eye, life changes fast.
Connor Brown my nephew is my Entire World*
I hate to waste time, I guess because to me, its very valuable
The randomness comes natural;)
I'm really easy to get along with, like the nicest person ever =)
I have a hugge heart<>
Need a shoulder to cry on? you can borrow mine;);)
So Yeah I'm just an average teen trying to make it in this world.
Anything else.?.Feel free to message/comment me*:)


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Posted 15 Years Ago

By Jeff Yalden

Somebody is very proud of you.
Somebody is thinking of you.
Somebody is caring about you.
Somebody misses you.
Somebody wants to talk to you.
Somebody wants to be with you.
Somebody hopes you aren't in trouble.
Somebody is thankful for the support you have provided.
Somebody wants to hold your hand.
Somebody hopes everything turns out all right.
Somebody wants you to be happy.
Somebody wants you to find him/her.
Somebody is celebrating your successes.
Somebody wants to give you a gift.
Somebody thinks that you ARE a gift.
Somebody hopes you're not too cold, or too hot.
Somebody wants to hug you.
Somebody loves you.
Somebody admires your strength.
Somebody is thinking of you and smiling.
Somebody wants to be your shoulder to cry on.
Somebody wants to go out with you and have a lot of fun.
Somebody thinks the world of you.
Somebody wants to protect you.
Somebody would do anything for you.
Somebody wants to be forgiven.
Somebody is grateful for your forgiveness.
Somebody wants to laugh with you.
Somebody remembers you and wishes that you were there.
Somebody is praising God for you.
Somebody needs to know that your love is unconditional.
Somebody values your advice.
Somebody wants to tell you how much they care.
Somebody wants to share their dreams with you.
Somebody wants to hold you in their arms.
Somebody wants YOU to hold them in your arms.
Somebody treasures your spirit.
Somebody wishes they could STOP time because of you.
Somebody praises God for your friendship and love.
Somebody can't wait to see you.
Somebody loves you for who you are.
Somebody loves the way you make them feel.
Somebody wants to be with you.
Somebody wants you to know they are there for you.
Somebody's glad that you're his/her friend.
Somebody wants to be your friend.
Somebody stayed up all night thinking about you.
Somebody is alive because of you.
Somebody is wishing that you noticed him/her.
Somebody wants to get to know you better.
Somebody wants to be near you.
Somebody misses your advice and guidance.
Somebody has faith in you.
Somebody trusts you.
Somebody needs you to send them this letter.
Somebody needs your support.
Somebody needs you to have faith in them.
Somebody will cry when they read this.
Somebody needs you to let them be your friend.
Somebody hears a song that reminds them of you.

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Posted 15 Years Ago

I just wanna tel you that writing u sent me ..was absolutly beautiful..
GRRRR!! Im extremly jealous!

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Posted 15 Years Ago

Hello! :)

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Posted 15 Years Ago

Hi, how are you? Keep up the "randomness", lol? On a more serious note, thankyou for that writing which you sent to me. I have read it, but not found the time to review it. I apologise, Kim. Anyway, I hope that the rest of this week goes well for you, my friend! By the way, I noticed that we have a few mutual friends on this site (e.g. Lizanne and NoxLamia). Perhaps, there are others?


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Posted 15 Years Ago

It's Better to Have Tried

'Tis better to have tried in vain,
Sincerely striving for a goal,
Than to have lived upon the plain
An idle and a timid soul.

'Tis better to have fought and spent
Your courage missing all applause,
Than to have lived in smug content
And never ventured for a cause.

For he who tries and fails may be
The founder of a better day;
Though never his the victory,
From him shall others learn the way.

~ Edgar A. Guest

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Posted 16 Years Ago

Congratulations !

You read my rant and

You just smiled and turned the page.

I can`t think of anything more adult, more
mature and wise----- I hope you will write an essay
about that, about the ability to sort out life`s questions
and treat the critiques objectively.

You are a wise and wonderful writer.

------ Eagle Cruagh

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Posted 16 Years Ago

Happy New Year

Happy New Year Comment Graphics

Comments & Glitter Graphics for Myspace, Hi5, Orkut, Friendster