About Me
I would hack your account to spam myself!
But seriously, what about me? I am made up of trillions upon trillions upon quadrillions (can you believe that is a number?) of tiny particles called atoms. Now, these atoms make up all matter, and to give some perspective, on a single dot of an "i" on a, I believe, 12 point font, there are 2,000,000,000 atoms. This is of course on paper, and there would probably be more on a screen.
Things I love: Jesus, my family, bacon, numbers.
Things I hate: Hateful people who hate hateful people who hate hate.
Things I like: Music, science, math, food, being homeschooled, being your supreme overlord, etc.
Things I don't like: Olives and stupid self-shots that people take in the mirror whilst pursing their lips in the fashion of the bill of a duck. This may or may not include holding two fingers in a "V" shape, and may or may not include multiple people with their heads close together.
Things about which I have no comment: No comment.