TRY TO BE A FRIENDI've tried to be a friendone which you can dependi get alot of angeri get alot of 'tudei try to find outwhat i did to youyou made me..
I miss...your sparkling eyes,your beautiful smile,I miss the way...we huggedwhen we have not seeneach other for a while.the way we used to talk,you to..
My School Age Children in Evansby Becky Rivera You were my kids,for a couple of years.I know your hearts,I know your fears.You're a part of my heart,Y..
this was written with my grandson in mind to his mom...
I remember the day so clearly,When they told me you were gone.Some of you leaving was expected,and some were quite the shock.With Grandma, Lynn, Mom a..
There are times in our lives,that will bring us down,and that is what makes us frown.There are times in our lives,that will make us sad,and at times m..
I close my eyesbut I can't seeThe beauty in naturethat is in front of me.i close my eyesto say a prayerto allow my spiritto be aware.the love my heart..
I'm glad that you waited for me to comeI know in my heart that you are the one.You've loved and supported along with one otherthe love, the devotion, ..
a poem for my mom and grandma who are with God.
We question so manythings in our life,like comments,situations,friendships and such.Why do some of thembother us so much?We ask ourselves didwe make t..