


Enjoying the country life

Salem, OR
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Block Writer Block Writer

About Me

Writing is my passion, it's not so much that I love to write...or even like it for that matter. I HAVE to write. It's just as much a need for me as is air, food or water. People often ask me "When did you start writing?" and I really do not know what to say. I have always been a writer.

I am fortunate & blessed to have married my best friend, without her I wouldn't be here today....I mean here on this site, not here as in alive, she is constantly pushing me toward my goals, she keeps me focused, she is my biggest fan & cheerleader. We have four children together & are a very close loving & supportive family (most of the time.)

I was inspired by such writers as Richard Connell, J.J.R Tolkien & Roger Zelazny in my youth. As I grew up I expanded my reading & thinking. I am now a huge Terry Goodkind & Jennifer Roberson fan.

I am not sure what else to say here except for maybe "Hello everyone, I look forward to meeting you here on this site."

~Kheltic Ryder


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Posted 14 Years Ago

Hunni I would comment more on your work...if you would ever write! lol love you baby.

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Posted 15 Years Ago

Congrats on your award!

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Posted 15 Years Ago

Hey you handsome hunk of a man, how are you? Hope you are well! Are you ! Well I won't bug ya too much just wanted to say I love you and miss you. Now get to work!! lol!!