Fairy Khan : Writing

Only hope.

Only hope.

A Poem by Fairy Khan

Born from dust, Brought to it at last, We are all humans; Mortals, like the shadows we cast. Running after the world, Trying to contain it in a..
The April Rain.

The April Rain.

A Story by Fairy Khan

Her eyes open a little and see the morning light coming through the sheer curtains of her room. She lazily streches her arm and grabs her phone from t..
If you had a choice.

If you had a choice.

A Poem by Fairy Khan

The wolf calls out to the moon, Wailing into oblivion, Asking to help find a lost path, Or maybe a forgotten love. The wolf bickers and curses t..
Let me drown.

Let me drown.

A Poem by Fairy Khan

I wipe the fog off the mirror with my hand, The frailty in my knees makes it hard to stand, The blurry bathroom lights impale my eyes, The water st..
A forever of misery.

A forever of misery.

A Poem by Fairy Khan

Is the eternal rest eternal and promised?

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