Hi. I'm a Leo Person by birth.
Update April 2016
I am making my slow return to this wonderful world without borders. Trying to be active on boards and adding new writers. Getting back to writing again actively.

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Like a Lion, I don't like to tread a path that has already been followed by someone before me. I like to make my own path, and even in this brilliantly competitive world, where you'd not easily find a path un-tread by anyone, I've succeeded in doing so.
Writing is my talent. Creative writing is my passion. It is a thing for me where time doesn't matter.
What kind of writer are you?

Creative Writer. You write the most interesting stories. Yours are full of action, romance, secrets, magic, and whatever else happened to come into your mind. You might take more time to finish a story, since yours has to be the best it can be. You would succeed in writing genre fiction, short stories, novels, and hey, why not try a screenplay? Or maybe manga?
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The pen is mightier than the sword, and it's considerably easier to write with. - Unknown
Greatness inspires envy,envy engender spite, spite spawns lies. - Lord Voldemort