About Me So.. to start out, My name is actually Raquel
My screen name is Italian for Tomorrow, Nina It suits me because I'm usually always waiting for something. I like my life that way,Most of the time. I'm a college student, making my way in life. I'm usually on writers cafe, for the greatest best friend a girl could hope for, when he finally gets through with his busy week and makes a profile Check him out =),____will insert link here____. Writing in my opinion is just like any other creative outlet, If you think about new lyrics, new lines, new paints and canvas, new computer programs for your designs..all Day long or you get lost in it for hours then you have something your creatively passionate about congrats. Now Run with it. I'd like to think I'm easy-going enough to strike a conversation with out of the blue, i actually enjoy them,So try it? I'm not afraid of criticism, so if your reading my work and you just have a list of things I could have done better toss it at me. whether I listen or not is another story though, sorry. =) -I'm sure in 1506, Mona Lisa got Leonardo Da Venci some strange looks or questionable comments too but that didn't stop the painting from becoming one of the most famous paintings in history.- Comments