Kelsey Desmond : Writing

Don't Curse Chile'-3

Don\'t Curse Chile\'-3

A Chapter by Kelsey Desmond

Chapter Three of "Chic."
Castle Asylum-4

Castle Asylum-4

A Chapter by Kelsey Desmond

Chapter Four in "Chic."
Love Don't Live Here-5

Love Don\'t Live Here-5

A Chapter by Kelsey Desmond

Chapter Five in "Chic."
Philadelphia Takes Dock-6

Philadelphia Takes Dock-6

A Chapter by Kelsey Desmond

Chapter Six in "Chic."
Dirty Dancing-7

Dirty Dancing-7

A Chapter by Kelsey Desmond

When Clara returned for dinner, Philly had a black eye and the sense on regret ove his face. Dispite this sense of regret, when Philadelphia saw..

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