Kree Camille : Writing

Ashton Imagine

Ashton Imagine

A Story by Kree Camille

“Ugh! I can’t figure this out!” you groaned. “Can’t figure what out?” Ashton asked entering your room. &ldq..
Michael Imagine

Michael Imagine

A Story by Kree Camille

“Three more months, baby.” Michael said over Skype. “But Michael, three months is a long time.” You sighed. “Y/N..
Calum Imagine

Calum Imagine

A Story by Kree Camille

“What the heck do you do with these things?” Calum asked rummaging around your collection of cameras. “I love taking pictures Ca..
Luke Imagine

Luke Imagine

A Story by Kree Camille

It was a beautiful day, you and Luke decided to go the park and spend the whole day there. You cuddled under an old tree and enjoyed the view in fro..
Calum Imagine

Calum Imagine

A Story by Kree Camille

The lights started to go out as the party ended, you checked on the time and it was already 2a.m. You looked around the place and started cleaning s..
Michael Imagine

Michael Imagine

A Story by Kree Camille

You took another shot of whiskey as you looked at another picture of you and your ex-boyfriend, Michael. You learned that your 8 month relationship ..
Ashton Imagine

Ashton Imagine

A Story by Kree Camille

“Happy Birthday to you.” Your friends sang to you. You smiled and blew your candles, looking for a face you long to see but that fac..
Ashton Imagine

Ashton Imagine

A Story by Kree Camille

One shot -xx
Michael Imagine

Michael Imagine

A Story by Kree Camille

One shot -xx
Calum Imagine

Calum Imagine

A Story by Kree Camille

Today, you and Calum were hanging out at your crib just like the old days. He was on break from tour so he set the date just for the two of you. ..

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