kayla_ajc : Writing

The Dread Of Loneliness Burns The Art Of Love.

The Dread Of Loneliness Burns The Art Of Love.

A Poem by kayla_ajc

Why does love feel like watching the bullet fly out of a gun aimed at your heart.
Valentine’s Day Dread.

Valentine’s Day Dread.

A Poem by kayla_ajc

It’s hard confessing to someone on the most romantic day of the year.
Purple Paper Flowers.

Purple Paper Flowers.

A Poem by kayla_ajc

I’ve fallen for her and I need to learn how to tell her.
Indomitable Reprobate.

Indomitable Reprobate.

A Poem by kayla_ajc

Can you ever accept yourself when your society can’t?
Death’s Weapon is Cupid’s Arrow.

Death’s Weapon is Cupid’s Arrow.

A Poem by kayla_ajc

It’s okay to love when you know how, its a punishment when you don’t.
Fallen from grace.

Fallen from grace.

A Poem by kayla_ajc

Icarus aimed too close to the sun and fell, it was too late for Daedalus to help him, it’s too late for them to ‘forgive’you.
Lost in the stars.

Lost in the stars.

A Poem by kayla_ajc

Life after love is the worst thing one can go through alone.