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About Me

Hello my name is Kat~I am fascinated by all the things unknown to us and I love to think. Nature is something I consider to be my best friend. Standing in the rain is something I like to do as well as walking through woods. I love going to different places and my wish is to live in the mountains somewhere or near a forest. I have always wanted to go on an adventure! I am an easy person to talk to and I love things like nature, music, anime, adventures, and video games. Feel free to message me!

What does your eye color mean?
Darkness You are darkness. Do not be ashamed of this; it has nothing of evil origin. It merely describes some of your characteristics and part of your personality. You are very mischievous, always looking to cause some sort of trouble with your friends or tease them one way or another. You can be very quiet and quite studious, taking in every detail of everything thing, studying your surroundings, contemplating the world. Yet you can also be very rambunctious when around friends. With the shadows comes many secrets; you have many things to tell that you have no told anyone else in your life. Trust only your closest of friends with those,

fun quiz for myspace profile and blog

Lets101 Quizzes - Fun Quizzes

What Is Your Love Song?

Someone Like You
I love this song. But it's your love song because,well your mate (or whatever you wanna call it) Left you or you left him. You probably miss him deep down inside and this song shows it.   Hope you enjoy! 

A Basic About Me (100+ questions)
Created by friendly-fire and taken 3568 times on Bzoink
What's your name?: Katharine Stein
Do you still attend school?: Yes
How tall are you?: 5'1"
Do you wish you were taller or shorter?: A bit taller
Do you wear glasses/contacts?: Glasses
What color is your hair?: Dark Brown
What color are your eyes?: Brown
Your best physical feature:: I'd have to think about that
Your best personality trait:: I don't judge
Color?: Red
Non-alcoholic drink?: Soda~
Food?: Pasta
Genre of music?: I can't choose
Band?: Tenth Avenue North-At the moment
Singer?: Florence Welch
Movie?: The Goonies/Stand by Me
Actor?: Johnny Depp
Television show?: Don't have one
Current song?: Compass-Lady Antebellum
Concert you've attended?: Florence and the Machine
School project you've done?: Novel Soundtrack
Place to be?: With Friends
Book?: The Book Thief
Person to be with?: Retreat Family
Flower?: Rose
Website?: Twitter I guess?
Ice cream flavor?: Moose Tracks
Pizza topping?: Sausage
State?: Maine
Country?: USA?
Culture?: IDK?
Religion?: Catholicism
Politician?: IDK
U.S. President?: IDK
Language?: IDK
School subject?: Chemistry
Accent?: Russian/German
Moment in History?: IDK
Thing about Bzoink?: IDK
This or That
Eat or drink?: Eat
Watch a movie or T.V.?: Movie
Books or magazines?: Books
Color or black & white films?: Color
Cell phone or camera?: Cell Phone
Rock or Rap?: Rock
Country or folk rock?: Folk Rock
Alternative or Indie?: Both
Rap or hip-hop?: Neither
Screamo or metal?: Meh
Guitar or bass?: Guitar
Drums or Piano?: PIANO LET'S GO!!!!~~
Water or soda?: Soda
Pizza or hamburgers?: Both
Love or money?: Love
God or the Buddha?: God
War or creation?: Creation
Meat or vegetables?: Meat
Life or death?: Life
What's your favorite genre of music? Why?: Too many
If you could play any instrument, which would you chose? Why?: Piano!!!!!
Would say music is an important part of your life?: Absolutely
Have you ever seen your favorite band/singer in concert?: Yes
If so, did you get to meet them after the show?: No :(
Have you ever been to a concert? How many?: Yes 3?
Do you play any intruments?: Yes! PIANO/GUITAR
Last song you listened to:: Home Philip Phillips
Does this song have any meaning to you?: Yes
Last movie you watched:: IDK
Did you think this movie was good?: IDK
Did it make you laugh at all?: IDK
Favorite quote from a movie:: IDK
Does this quote have any meaning to you?: IDK
If you had to be in a movie, what would the movie be about?: IDK
What's your favorite movie? Why?: IDK
Favorite movie character?: IDK
What's your favorite book? Why?: The Book Thief
What's your favorite magazine? Why?: IDK
Do you enjoy reading?: Yes
Favorite quote from a book:: Hmm
Does this quote have any meaning to you?: Hm
Are you subscribed to any magazines? Which?: No
Favorite book character?: Max Vandenburg
Favorite book genre?: Post-Apocalyptic
What kinds of magazines do you like to read?: IDK
Who is your best friend?: Too many
Do you trust this person a 100%?: Yes
Do you have a lot of friends? Do you think that matters?: It doesn't matter.
Do you still live with your parents?: Yes
Do you have any siblings? What are their names?: Emily
Were you adopted?: Yes
Are you a twin?: No
Do your parents/guardians like all of your friends?: No
Do your friends like your parents?: No
What is your current relationship status?: Single Pringle
Are you happy about that? Why or why not?: Meh
Do you need a significant other to be happy?: Not really
Have you ever been in love?: Maybe...?
Do you believe in love at first sight? Why or why not?: Yes.
Have you ever been kissed?: Yes
Do you want to get married?: Maybe
Do you like to keep your personal life private or spread it all around?: Doesn't matter
Have you ever had a broken heart? Is it healed now?: Yes, no
What is your favorite food?: Pasta~
Favorite Italian dish:: Pasta~
Favorite Mexican dish:: Burritos
Do you like Chinese food?: HELLA
What's your favorite kind of soda?: Orange Soda!
Hot or ice tea?: Iced Tea
What is one thing you refuse to drink?: Alcohol
You refuse to eat?: Insects
Best thing you've ever eaten:: IDK chicken?
What are some of your interests?: PIANO, SINGING,WRITING DUH
The person you have the most in common with:: Idk
What do you like to do when your bored?: Sing and play Piano
Are you a fast typer?: Yes!!!!!
What is the weather like today? Are you enjoying it?: Nice today. Windy, but sunny!
Are you excited for summer or would you rather be in school?: SUMMER
Do you have a job? What is it?: Going to
What are your plans for the future?: Go to college. Move
Do you believe Barack Obama will change things?: Maybe
What type of mood are you in today?: Happy and a bit sad at the same time
Do you write on an online blog? Does it get a lot of hits?: Nope, Nope
Would you consider yourself an interesting person?: Yes
What do you plan on doing after this survey?: Sleeping
Do you like the movie "Finding Nemo"?: No
Do you make jewelry?: No
You've been totally Bzoink*d!
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Posted 12 Years Ago

XD lol Ayame is AWESOME!!! I WANT KYO!!!!! T-T i finished the anime. awwww my poor Kyo<3 his true form its cool, but i feel so bad

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Posted 12 Years Ago

XD i'm going on to episode 15. XDD Shigure is suuuuuch a perv (but awesome) XDDDDD OMG I LOVE YUKI'S OLDER BROTHER!!!! XD he's so weird.

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Posted 12 Years Ago

OMG I AM FLUFFING OBSESSED WITH THE SHOW~ and lol okay XD i want me some Kyo~

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Posted 12 Years Ago

It is the reason because students bully them.

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Posted 12 Years Ago

yeah...it is. and okay

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Posted 12 Years Ago

@status. is that Dananann?

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Posted 13 Years Ago

Have you ever read "The Tell-tale Heart"? It's creepy!

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Posted 13 Years Ago

omg nice status!!!! thats really cute^^

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Posted 13 Years Ago

Ikr! they move really slow like they have all the time in the world and it's so annoying.

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Posted 13 Years Ago

yeah, that's annoying. I remember when they made us wait for fries, they said 5 minutes and we sat there for 20. they were so stupid they forgot about us! lol