About Me
My name is Kati.

I'm 20 years old and live in Baltimore, Maryland
"And by the way, everything in life is writable about if you have the outgoing guts to do it, and the imagination to improvise. The worst enemy to creativity is self-doubt."
I grew up having to deal with many struggles from day one. As i am sure many poetic people have. I would say I am a very down-to-earth type of girl. Very easy to get along with, very easily amused. I don't have a hard time dealing with rough situations, having been brought up in them. I'm very laid back and optimistic. I'm a go-getter type of person, out to achieve any and every goal. Of coarse I'm still trying to find myself. As I am sure many of you are, too.
I love writing poetry. It's def. something i take seriously, more then anything else. Ever since I was confronted with full on emotions when i was younger my first reaction was to pick up a pen and write about it.
I would love some help, of coarse. Please write reviews for me and give me some advice. Correct me on things i did wrong. It would be very well appreciated. :-)
Favorite Poet/Artist : Tupac Shakur
Likes: Poetry, Jewelry, Dancing, Drinking, Walks on the beach, Music, Traveling, Sunlight, Stars, Starbucks Venti Iced Soy Chai, Reading, Clothes, Styling Hair, Makeup, Massages, Skittles, Polar Bears, My boxer, Quotes, Twilight, Black, Peace.
DissLikes: Girls that talk about other girls behind their backs, Natzi's, Mccain, Messy stuff, Immaturity, Moms who don't take care of their kids, Weird screaming rock music, techno, druggies, Anal people, War.
F**k it.