k. brown

k. brown


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About Me

Birth date: November 20, 1985

About: Mostly poesy/love stuff. Some short stories.

Likes: Writers: Peter S. Beagle, John Crowley, Charles De Lint, some Niel Gaiman
*Poets: Elizabeth Barrett Browning, Keats, Yeats, Wordsworth, Thoreau, Ferlinghetti, e. e. cummings

Favorite book ever: Just one? I especially like �A Fine and Private Place�, by Peter Beagle (his debut novel.) 'M*A*S*H' by Richard Hooker is also very good--very witty. 'Her' by Laurence Ferlinghetti is a bit hard the first time through, but it's worth it--very emotional, very insightful, without being cliche.

Other?: Music: Classical, Folk/traditional, Celtic, Indie
*Ornithology; birds in particular
*Violin lore
*Trees. Dryad Maples, in particular.


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Posted 17 Years Ago

Hey all--I don't know if this is just happening to my gallery, or if it's a glitch....but I am getting little HTML "notes" in my writting....stuff saying /end and /break and stuff. I've tried to fix them, but the only way I can see to get rid of them compleatly is to delete the work and resubmit...which is terrible! I loose all your nice comments when I do this.

Any ideas?

Also, please note that I'll have limited internet access the 15th-25th of this month (March.) Going to be visiting family in another state. Wish me luck! :)


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Posted 17 Years Ago

Hey everyone reading this :) I just wanted to apologize; I'm new here, so I don't really understand how to reply "to" you; I just know I am replying. But I really, really appreciate you stopping by, even if it's just to browse. Means a lot to me :)

Thanks again,

Katie :)