About MeAutumn by birth, but call me what you like.
You can call me conceited, whatever, I call it confidence. You can call me a b***h, whatever, I call it honesty. Honestly, I don't care what you call me, because you can't change me. I am the Best Friend, I'm more trustworthy than before. I'm gonna get out of this h*** hole that I call home, and make it big. What's the point of dreaming if I don't try for my happy ending? My best friend is of course my sister, Melissa Ann Ping. & boyyy let me tell you, there are some stories behind that one. I'm always quick to forgive people, it is my down fall. Everyone has their weaknesses. EX. Superman=Kryptonite. Alcholics=Beer Priests=Little Boys (jk) Mine is: I'll trust you completely, until you screw it up, and maybe a bit afterwards too. Take a chance, get to know me. I know you want to. It may take a while to get used to me, But after all Rome wasn't built in a day. Let me turn your world upside down; and make you smile.♥ Comments