Hi I'm Karlie Ryan.I live in Bradford,PA.Im 14 years young.I was brought into this world May 16,1994.I am currently taken and loving every minute of it.I have brown hair.I am caucasian but have a little tan to me.I like sports of all kinds.I am really into motocross.Im laid back,kind,funny,caring,and mysterious..what a combo?!I like to be with friends and family on holidays,special eents,and just pretty much everyday.I listen to any type of music.
I live to write about what i believe,feel,and/or I write to entertain people.I first began writing seriously at the age of 10.My Grandma,family,and friends are the inspirations for my writing.My Grandma taught me the most about how to write and gave me many many ideas to write about.Family is an inspiation because I will write about our fun times,rough times,and even the goofy ones,even though they might be embarassing.Lastly,my friends are insipations because I use many of them in little books I write.
If you would like to know more e-mail me at
[email protected] or serach Karlie Ryan on myspace and add my currnt profile.Thanks.