My Faith
Hi, my name is Amy Synphobis, I am twelve, almost thirteen years old, and I couldn’t sleep, I had never liked the last day of school at Turtle ..
This is a book about a girl. Her name is Samantha Angela Jane Dobrin. But people just called her Samantha.
She has sleek brown hair, and blue eyes. S..
Was I asleep, or was I awake? Or was I DEAD?!?!?!?! Right now, I couldn't tell. I was in a small room, maybe five feet wide, and seven feet tall. My ..
Far in the ocean there is an island of darkness,
darkness that overcomes you if you draw near.
A dark so powerful you almost feel lifeless,
This is a Fantasy Book . You can read some of the chapters if you want.
"Wake up, wake up" Sammy was screaming in my ear "We're gonna be late, we're gonna be late!" DO YOU HAVE TO SCREAM EVERYTHING? Are..
Silence was the only sound for many miles. My hart was pounding in my chest. And my head was spinnig. I thought I had just gotten used to who I was. B..