Kara A. Laughard

Kara A. Laughard


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Kent, OH
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About Me

I'm a lover of the written word, and recently I've been bitten by the creative bug once again. I've spent the last two years in a depression. I was not aware how deep it ran until I started to pull out of it this past summer. I owe much of the gratitude to my beautiful friends who have shown me time and time again that they are not friends they are family, my blood family (my mom and dad especially) and, last but by no means least Adam, the one true love of my life who has already in two short years followed with me on the ups and downs of my life never once wavering in his love for me, he keeps me sane, and that is enough to make me love him forever. Does that explain who I am, not quite, but it's a start... "Literature, the most seductive, the most deceiving, the most dangerous of professions." -John Morley "The test of literature is, I suppose, whether we ourselves live more intensely for the reading of it." -Elizabeth Drew


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Posted 18 Years Ago

Yay Karaface! <3 Nice to see you here!

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Posted 18 Years Ago

there must be something about this name.

born to be creative geniuses.



welcome to the cafe, m'dear :)


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Posted 18 Years Ago

Well, I'm glad you're feeling better...and got the creative spark back!

Welcome to WC.