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Block Writer Block Writer

About Me

I’ve never been very confident in my writing until I started sharing it. It helped me see that maybe I wasn’t a s****y writer? I’m only 16, I write a lot of poems and I’m really awkward and kinda quirky🤷🏻‍♀️sorry lol.


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Posted 6 Years Ago

Poetry like all art is very subjective. People like the sound of it and might not know what it means or a memory it stirs. It may even awaken a lost emotion. However, for me, my most important reaction comes from myself.
People have a hard time confessing that they are a poet, but we are. You don't have to gather dust in a library to get that honor. One more thing weigh the review against your own instinct. Not everyone is a critic just because they have a keyboard.
:) and you have a gift to explore, happy writing.