an old man bent forward,just above his cane--ambledalong a park trail.paused to speak to a little boyin a carriage, the enmeshmentof every songbird on..
the moon's fail-stop of reinventionleaves her an amnesiac.chipping away at her goldenly drawnrim of remembrance, as if a Chinaplate.holding a full ser..
duality in the finest print,inky coils micronically bled.lip-smacking two-pagersamong hundreds...of lies.it is all well as long as there'sa cover to b..
die of those deaths,hunt them down--scar their spheres.sap their thrills,crossbone theirstarvation with alack of fear.canvas their haunts,while they t..
there's a storm--let it be
inner, that will take & take
& take.
with no end.
set to visit certain parts.
no-body & sound,
at different levels--
from no-body & sound.
convergent between,
no-body & sound.
the bride of Frankenstein
is sown together
by a poem.
every stitch a letter.
read when death takes
a step toward death.
with the ..
a valley distributes
its content--a sloshing
shadow ready to
bathe feet.
twittering mice that fill
their stomachs with
a hole unto a hole.
lentil-eyes, skull-fucked.
put down yourballpoint pen, pleaselet it hit on ataught-leather notebook.poetry breaks open yourlunch boX.packed with a serpent'slockjaw hiss, whose t..