the insentient stands,the sentient stands--gapingat you as per your sentience.what within, what without--inculcated.be it a painting of a tree, ora tr..
there's a tap on dark's back--ad infinitum.it always turns around in response.as if at the edge of a bed--thestimulus of this gentle touch is thelight..
let X=(a sky)=(The Sky)...flying monkeysclogging it, duress above a forest canopy.whacking wings and weighted feet descendingthru the pieced puzzle of..
eaten by her own stride, city blocks half-litas country lanes, her gloomy covenant withdiurnal and nocturnal coup de grace.a notch taller than short, ..
this outward thrust that visits us--after cold buckles when itsinterminable rites have been read.this visitor--right from the heart,going right for th..
as a serpent sleeps ahead of the departed.limp under flashes of yellow.stretched to meet the ground it will coverthroughout its incarnation--without m..
Persephone sits under a leafless tree,sprouting infantile green.her back against the trunk, her kneessquare against her breasts.her dress adjusts like..
stalled light--a pallid break not to make day.forever this--bedridden grey staring out fromthe world.clay roused from cinders--twitching beforedisjoin..
those malevolent mittens of botched blood--reaching out from the pungent dusk thatpaints its locket of twilight.neck-deep in childhood...detached from..
wasps scratch at windows withlong poisonous splinters, blankedbackward by a clear barrier.not often detracted.sideswiped by illustrated howlsblown as ..