Onoma : Writing

Northeastern Strictures

Northeastern Strictures

A Poem by Onoma

a best made friend O'mine, asked a takingquestion: what doesyour day look like?the ripeness of leavesresembling lettuce.under Northeasternstrictures--..
Seasons Send Weather

Seasons Send Weather

A Poem by Onoma

seasons send weatherto their room--it happens up there.as it happens downthere.
Without Drying Off

Without Drying Off

A Poem by Onoma

a swan slowly swimsacross her proportionatelake.extends her neck acrossit.nods her head, withoutdrying off--& disappears.
Misses the Eclipse

Misses the Eclipse

A Poem by Onoma

a masteredfetal position--misses theeclipse.
Remotely Milk

Remotely Milk

A Poem by Onoma

walls exasperate--a brick rightlyplaced below theearth.remotely milk.
Nick Cave's Brushstrokes

Nick Cave's Brushstrokes

A Poem by Onoma

wizened horns cantrecapitulate flesh.yet there's Nick Cave'sbrushstrokes glazingover ceramic.as if Luciferian nic nacsare reproduced in mustythrift sh..
In Pure

In Pure

A Poem by Onoma

a fleckof your s**t,tickled the toilet'sporcelain tonsils.
Unrolled Ball of Tinfoil

Unrolled Ball of Tinfoil

A Poem by Onoma

an unrolled ballof tinfoil--a seabound sheetcut to the teethof a shore.whose shadowyimpressions glareat brain matter.
Coolly Half Past

Coolly Half Past

A Poem by Onoma

a mattress wrunglike a sponge--dreamt concordbetween symbolicpeoples.coolly half past, aroman numeral.twisting the compassneedle of ahumming bird's be..
Brings Down What Refills

Brings Down What Refills

A Poem by Onoma

holes dig an abysm--an abysm digs a hole.No!a hole digs an abysm.wheremounds of ground, seemimposing as the abysm.an aboveground abysmmade of holes.th..