Downriver...crystalline ventriclesgurgling, bedded stones believerest--greenhorn's hymnal.Land kept at your sides, passedand passing, love's dicastvig..
...Away...the full-bodied overran spiritedly its cup--fetched in movements, musical.Impress of eyes laved by their transpiration...as that daylong Sta..
Might I farewell you: madame, sir?It is in such a way of my ways thatthis farewell's come.The caliber of my absence unrestseverywhere...will you feel ..
There's a vine shaped as lightning--grapes bittersweet, supple...come to it,each an epiphany.Crushed, their red skin lets out juice,life-yield.Sealed ..
Seasons splay their elemental carousels all overthe singular recess of you.As you are the season opened...supine amidstthe phantasmic quad of their ac..
The window kept receding, moonlight brokeagainst it...trailed by entangling cigarettesmoke.Giving it all the appearance of a deep seajelly fish.You.....
You took the car, bit down upon theshapeless frequency of the radio...muzzled by it--you suffused stations,conglomerations of songs allayed theirencod..
That morning the sunlight kept flickering...as if blinking,Apollonian funnel, you kept taking from it...as per yourblinding leverage.A resounding boom..
Where the church bell gapesat its golden discs gain theairy steep.Where the eagle depositsits majestic soar, a mass offeather and talon--Empyrean'sdoo..
My words drop as stonesbefore my feet--by coreessence issued...yet therebefore.Might I find the Ego ofyesteryear that so happilyflew them...I would ba..