If you awoke one fine day...could you suture the sunto an ocean--or merelyadmire their connection...whereas: "to be, or not tobe" is being itself, as ..
I've chaptered longingly...storied...where the characters of him cannot stand apprised...no loins to begirded.As yet...and as yet...a momentouspatienc..
How many ends in and of themselvesconstitute...a fill that is yours?Abreacted claimant...many airslight at the feet.I am with you, I am you upon thisa..
The Ego differs from itslife-intensive...it rests uponcorners that don't exist...scolded by a teacher thatdoesn't exist...labeled adunce by a teacher ..
Mum is The Word of the rock...none by night, eyesore by day.Such is the patience of The Architect...opening interpretation.Pick up that rock...cast it..
...So...we've a word for All we Are...(life)--so why is it what it is...cannot define all thewords that have sprung from it?Yet...they're full of defi..
I appear, you appear...where's the choice in this?I project my appearanceonto you, you projectyour appearance ontome...where's the choicein this?That ..
Actors do not sicken The Stage--but fellow actors misreading linesjust to cancel the play.The roses fly onstage--the actorsreceive them dutifully...a ..
...You don't have to come anywherenear me...just to dance our self-evidence.I Am always dancing with you informally...the formalization of Our dance i..