Incommensurate masks clot with likening meat...nerves spray their spidery sensorium.As the harried depression of water to a trayof would be ice...fing..
Dust to dust...makes tangible the blondishbreakdown of sun.The choreography of neutered marauding...ever amicable to rondure of skull.The seeping pull..
By the ribbon that's river to sea, and the seathat's procured it...I lay me.Soothed imaginings teem with uncoachedframes that are mind.The lurch of fa..
Chafed sticks forested--lunar silver threads tied them upas to bundle with conviction.An angel gone rare loaded theforest upon its back...slumberingbi..
Tearing through bodies to refresh one...a raw timetable end to end.Verily said unto--sleeper-words activated ashealing agents.The milky bulbs of elbow..
Solemnity foreshortened--the pressof limbs...hence, the wide smile ofthe enacted.Our meeting ground shimmiestoward an eternal density...as toalight th..
There is peace to be made withthis irretrievable beauty...a seeming hands-off policyof inmost heart.We're implored to take this seeingwith us...for th..
Window beaded, raindrops gnashing silverywhite, at core, grey sky in each, each toeach a composite of it.Room...an abstract memory scheme, dullblocks ..
A gaunt, featherweight Man floats in alargesse fish tank...Bloody Mary has himdrunk well before the fact of His bloodin and out.He does not kick, but ..
With a dual-handed slap of the thighs, aspastic command was conveyed to bodytake leave of the table, ennoble its perimeter.Bird's beaks were caulking ..