Forming a neon tangle, of nothingness on an angle
Following each jutting line and straight golden edge
Telling an arcane story of the advanced way..
A Story by wim99
... From the beginning, we were just friends
Who together thought, that there was no end
Spending each day fully, as if it were our last
Never reve..
Starry night
Age old memory
Gliding in cold mid air
Santa has made a long trip
Putting his purpose into action
The gentle old hand of Kris K..
A Story by wim99
To outsiders, the mean streets of Detroit are no place to grow up and raise your kids. There is a special feeling in the air, that proves..
A Story by wim99
Containment of our darkest fears of the mentally ill are usually recognized in the value of social strata. While growing both disadvanatag..
M- Mastering Technique
A- Adjusting Focus
R- Rotating the Hips
T- Touching your Toes
I- Imagining the Tiger
A- Assuming the Position
L- Leg Stre..
A Story by wim99
A bitter cold wind blew into town, enveloping the arcane mystery of Friday the 13th,and the one day the psychiatrists fear the most. No one ..
The things that I like:
1. Cold mountian stream water
2. The flash of a musket fired
3. Catching a king salmon
4. A ice cold Budweiser beer
5. La..
Breaking into the glass, of a locked classroom door
Pushing further, into the confused child's madness
A big idea is advanced, in proper action yet ..
Contrasting the alchemy of society, basically twice as sweet as sugar, yet twice as tart as salt, comes facts from the heart. To what measu..