john alan willox : Writing



A Poem by john alan willox

i am tripped and stumbled by the sly feet of trees, clumsily i land in the faces of horrified flowers, who clearly prefer the bre..


A Poem by john alan willox

is the ground i walk consecrated simply because i see my shadow? like when god saw his creation, or is it the s..
for pam

for pam

A Poem by john alan willox

if you forget me, no matter who else remembers, i will not have lived.
smart dog

smart dog

A Poem by john alan willox

saw a lady with a dog. she gave commands and he obeyed. that dog was smart. she only spoke chinese.


A Poem by john alan willox

i have a shadow in my closet. i refuse to let him roam. i close the blinds, keep shut the light i will not give him home. ..


A Poem by john alan willox

i walked along the shore my shadow walked upon the water why more god like than me?
i wonder

i wonder

A Poem by john alan willox

i wonder if my shadowsees me the sameor if he prefers the slimmer, darkerappiritionthat the sidewalk displaysand fears the clouds no less


A Poem by john alan willox

well ‘im back, your next big heartbreak; i was away longer than expected, but here i am, didya miss me? it’s too b..
just a child

just a child

A Poem by john alan willox

it’s just a child, another soul with one more tempted chance to make the passage. unknown father, mother missing the..
in conversation with myself

in conversation with myself

A Poem by john alan willox

in conversation with myself, memory is precise, (more or less), and i am seldom mistaken for someone else, i am original; i..