i wonder ifyou rememberthat day ?that 45th birth-daywhen you said,"i think we should see other people".and i thought:"i guess one of us already is".it..
your memoryate me like a date,on a calendar without a year,in a time best left forgotten.i have no idea why my alzheimersdoesn't work with you.
todayis spelledmelancholy.cloudy, wet and smells of worms.this is not springthere are no robins,only crows,circling,short spirals of flightgoing nowhe..
whendid the wordlikebecome a verbal apostrophy?or is it likejust me?
i used to be a shadow,
afraid of the dark.
your teeth for fingernails
stroked my head
ate my thoughts...
a heart collapsed over cold coffee:her brothersaid - "she's seeing someone else"air became a commodity i could not afford.
holding a hand,
brittle and fragile, like dried flowers at
the foot of a grave.
blue marks on battered canvas, like tattoos
so this is
who i am
and this is
all of me…
ach, it’s a
sad old place
when more
like your father
you become
completely unasked
he said;
i think
i’ve become an unhappy man…
different than s..
i want to be known by my initialslike those coolnews guys in the 40'smy girlfriend is a dame when i have time, i call her dolland she likes it when i ..