Just when I think I have one thing taken care of, another stupid thing comes along to take its place. Wrote this to vent...and 'Dear Insurance Compan..
Never say never
A poem I was commissioned to write for a friend as a Father's Day present
A bit of wisdom that I have acquired in my 31 years, though I could go on forever. Each day I learn a new lesson, or do something stupid and add that..
Had a rough day and was thinking about perception and the importance of being mindful of your surroundings-literally and figuratively.
Inspired by perpetual love, the yearning to cuddle, and the dream of growing old still holding on to him with everything I am.
Everyone I know was having a bad day. Got a call from about 8 people today, each having an issue of their own. Add that to my own, and being a sound..
My intensely romantic side decided to bludgeon my heart today...this is the product of that bludgeoning ;)
I wrote this for my boyfriend, in my journal of all places when we first started dating. (he's now my fiance :D) doesn't know I wrote it for him eith..
A kyrielle poem, dedicated to our soldiers past, present, and future.