About Me
I started writing and getting interested in writing during a one year vow of silence I took in 2000. I've been interested in personal transformative processes for 8 years. I'm 25 years old. I subscribe to Integral Naked. I read Free Will Astrology. I go to music festivals and eat hallucinogenics and revel in the startling mystery of things as small as a blade of grass. I am a wandering bard, infecting this world with my sunny heart-energy. I love music, I write unconventional poetry, and I believe in the 2012 Maya Cosmogenesis. A time for global enlightenment. I herald and welcome the Age of Aquarius to teach us a new formula for existing with each other. I believe that people's woes are completely self-created. I think people accept a degree of the loss of control in exchange for a feeling of innocence amid the uncontrollable fates. I believe in a destiny. I am spiritual. I wear women's clothing occasionally. Basically, I am really really great and you should get to know me. I