Joshie MacCasim : Writing

Letter for my love

Letter for my love

A Poem by Joshie MacCasim

Letter for my love By KeeKi MAC Casim 7/7/13Searching for a sign that you , yes you are the love of my life prince charming, my superman the one who w..
Just Dreaming

Just Dreaming

A Poem by Joshie MacCasim

Dreams of Honey colored sunsets as the sunshines bright as the moonlit night As I lay in this Barren Fields with so much thoughts to write Things go t..
The Dedication

The Dedication

A Poem by Joshie MacCasim

I started a poetry book called the "J" files which all of my current poems are in this was the original poem
My Poet

My Poet

A Poem by Joshie MacCasim

Dedicated to my love
Happy Un-father's Day

Happy Un-father's Day

A Poem by Joshie MacCasim

Dedicated to all the dead beats Written in a child's perspective


A Poem by Joshie MacCasim

Keep your friends close but your enemies closer
College Dreams Graduate Nighmares

College Dreams Graduate Nighmares

A Poem by Joshie MacCasim

Venting because My College dreams swiftly became graduate nightmares.

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