About Me
Usually when one writes their biography, it is a story of their life. It is to let others know who they are, but that's not what I'm going to do. My past is something I am struggling to let go of, so, I won't tell you a/b the person I was then. I will say this tho, I've lost a lot, gained even more; been through hell, but been given a blessed life for it; been hurt, but found love in so many new places; lost my will to live, but gained it back with a passion for life that I don't yet understand; gave up writing, but tried it again and had so much more to say!
I am 18, in college, tall, have multi-colored hair, have gr8 friends, and an amazing sister! I make mistakes all the time, but have learned to learn from them. I don't live in fear anymore, but know that those fears do still exist in a certain part of me. I don't cry very often because it scares me into thinking I am once again weak. When I'm angry, I don't say or do anything- I can't even write. When I'm sad, all I need is a pen and some paper for my thoughts to easily flow once again.
This is how I like to put it- in the end, you can either be in the group of people I look to and say thank you for all your help in getting me here, or laugh and say told you so suckers!
love me for me....or don't love me!