About Me
Often times, when I c0me h0me fr0m w0rk tired, all messed up, c0nfused and w0rried, I find myself in situati0ns that I least expected to be at, although it happens everyday... (di na ko nasanay... Hayz). Situati0ns where in the midst of my already exhausted being I'll find myself arguing with either or both my parentz. Most of the times these situati0ns made it imp0ssible for me to have a decent 3 hourz of sleep in a day. What I cannot understand is why do we still have arguments when I have been very vocal about everything that I feel. Although, at times I am often instructed to shut up before I could finish what I needed to say. They wouldn't listen (emphathetically)... They never did. Because they believe that they are the Parentz. And they're supposed to be right all the times. They never realize that s0metimes children do n0t want them to talk and talk and talk..... Instead, what they need is a heart that has an ear for listening. I mean, let's face it.. We d0n't stay as kids forever. And m0st of the times, they f0rget that.
And tonight I went h0me n0t feeling very well... I've been having chills last night and today for the wh0le day. My throat burns, and felt scratchy. My eyes felt dry and dr0opy, and my b0dy felt terribly weak. N0 one cared. I feel tired and al0ne in a house of five. No one offered food. No one asked for my day. Nothing. Just the s0und of my melanch0ly reverberating inside my mind. Deafening. On times like this I'm just grateful that God is there listening to me. I may not hear Him consoling me, but I can feel Him through my friends.