I live to please only one and His opinion is all that matters to me. I'm me and I'm perfectly okay with that. Like me, hate me, love me, don't know me it doesn't matter it's who I am and how I'll stay. My hair is never the way I like it. My makeup runs down my face after perfecting every detail. My clothes don't fit right. Whenever I take time to do something it never turns out the way I want it. I make so many mistakes I've lost count. People try to tear me down every possible way. I don't measure up to people's standards. To sum it all up: I'm not perfect. I'm human and I'm me. So if you don't like it there's nothing that can be done because I won't change and I'm happy the way I am because that's how God created me to be and he's the only one I would change for. I know he loves me the way I am. My name is @manda. I'm just your average girl until you get to know me then I hope to rock your world. I live in the state with the biggest mood swings. I've been writing every since second grade. I used to think that writing was pretty lame and out of all things why was this the one thing I happened to be gifted with. Instead, within time, I was able to realize that writing is a beautiful thing that not only comes in handy, but is a lovely way to express feelings and emotion. One day I hope I will be able to conjure some best sellers until then though here is where you will find some samples of my writing.
Done a lot of things that I'm not so proud of. Took a lot of turns, turned out wrong. That's a worn out song. Day by day moment by moment. Taking my chances, trusting my heart. It wasn't to smart. Lonely, as lost as I could be. No way it's up to me. I will survive. I will endure. When the going is rough you can't be sure i'll tough it out I won't give in. If i'm knocked down I'll get up again. As long as my dreams alive I will survive. Letting go of my bad habits. Hangin on the hope for better times. I'll be fine. Learning to sleep in the bed that I made. Laying the blanket where it belongs. I've gotta be strong. Tear drops no one sees but me. I won't stop, I'll always believe. I will survive I will endure. When the going is rough You can't be sure I'll tough it out I won't give in If I'm knocked down I'll get up again As long as my dreams alive I will survive. - I Will Survive by Stephanie Bentley
"When I was five years old, my mom always told me happiness was the key to life. When I went to school, they asked me what I wanted to be when I grew up. I wrote down 'happy'. They said I didn't understand the assignment and I told them they didn't understand life."