Common mistake.The words just take off, and you wonder.Remember the source.Yes, some do come from an angry spot, but do they all?You were feeling som..
Just to tell stories.This is how it started.Sooth folks at the end of the day.Only share a simple tale.This is what I reach for, and it feels so close..
Simple stories, running along.Each look turns away, unless a touch of deception is used.In the morning, an attempt to keep the other in the dark, afra..
Soothing.Momentary escape.Simple concentration.Only sounds are the wiper blades, the tires rolling, and the sky's tear drops.Healing.No intruding emo..
Friends can become family, and to experience this is a special feeling.It is a weekend for family.I always got adopted.It wasn't something I asked for..
It is not even 9.This is what happens when you step in for someone.Granted, I only try to relate.I hope there is a tinge of honesty.I don't have any k..
Notice the tone?Sometimes you just catch a feeling.Might have not been planned, but the writer let it slip in.Hard to separate the writer from their w..
Natural feeling.What other reaction should I have?So many lives falling apart around me.Staying alone seems better every day.Sad, isn't it?Friends des..
Such a sad statement. Sometimes it feels like I didn't try.I do have the memories telling me otherwise.Shared stories lead to introspection.I can only..
Full credit to Mr. Breathed. Please don't sue me.