Yes.You don't catch it all in the first glance.The words grow.Compare it to a slideshow over the years.The images change.Not only for the viewer.
This is how it should start, but now to grasp it.It does not need to be complicated.Why should we be burdened down by all of the rhetoric?I can sum it..
Feeling a bit of disconnect.Surge protector of the mind.It might have thrown the switch.Not because of a lack of understanding.More the feel of the in..
I won't deny it.I often want to fade into the background.The trouble is it won't work.I seem to be a people person.I am the one who you can talk to.Ye..
They have all been told before.Everytime is another variation.Now, is this something to worry about?Only if you can't tell a story.Picture yourself be..
Just a benchmarkIf I can make it that far, why stop?When we hit the pause, figure out a way to pass by it.Time flows.No reason to see an end.
Trust me. Not an easy job.I get to read Christmas Story, while the grandparents watch.Who do they look at with a question?Then, you are going, "No!""..
Looking at humanities' brutalities. Trust me. Not something to be taken lightly.Coat of cynicism? Probably put on the double coat.Still, shrug it off..
I apologize to newcomers.This is still a work in process.Another attempt of learning how to write.Anyway.Simple story.Some may relate.Ever been to a p..
Granted, hesitant is the proper mood.Who would listen?Stories are told over, and over again.Each time they take a new meaning.If I tell a story, how d..