To be honest, I prefer to be quiet.I need to make myself try.I can't withdraw from everyone.Something like this?I might as well be talking to myself.A..
I enjoy a good laugh, and last evening helped.Three jesters,each with their own style, laughing at what they have seen.At times, there is a chance to ..
If I could change the world with a word?It didn't work.Takes more time.You don't give up, even when you are discouraged.Eventually, it will work out.W..
Next time, you get to take the lead.That is if you choose to try for another write.Apparently, the words do flow together, and I can't help but wonder..
I might manage a few extra sentences, and I realize that might be a surprise.I try not to drone along.You have to be natural.Let yourself show.This is..
I realized it awhile ago, and I see no reason to apologize.It is all a simple conversation.It means I can fall into a comfortable rhythm, and set peop..
I have to be honest, this is not always ok.That was a typo, but it fits.Trying to simply tell your story.You start, and freeze.Learning how is another..
Stop for a moment,and think about this.I was talking to my niece, and I was the one to bring up cosplay.She could pull off the young Rachel Summers.Ma..
Just so there is no mistake, you get tired.You don't give up.Might look that way,but what do you see?So, I will be tired.Watch the sun rise.
It all comes to the ending.Sun rising behind me, reflecting across the water.Tired,but smiling.Last night was graduation,but I only stopped for a mome..