Jon Roggie : Writing

Controlled silence

Controlled silence

A Poem by Jon Roggie

Somethings bother me,and to be honest,anymore it does not take much.What gets me is the lack of understanding.Scratch that.When did we stop trying to ..
It works

It works

A Poem by Jon Roggie

It starts with talking to each other.If we can't take the time to listen,this doesn't matter.Let words destroy.Easily managed,and so simple.Point away..
French Press

French Press

A Poem by Jon Roggie

Combination of patience,and a touch of class.Perfect.Slap away the eager hand,ignoring the pleas.Too many things are rushed.The scent is carried,drift..
Here I go again

Here I go again

A Poem by Jon Roggie

Yes.Time for another of those writes.Those who have put up with me know this will happen.I am still trying to understand writing.Each time there is an..
All a dream

All a dream

A Poem by Jon Roggie

Impromptu collaboration. I was joined by jacob erin-cilberto, KL Goode, Papaya, and Corset. Hopefully this meets their approval.
One eye open

One eye open

A Poem by Jon Roggie

Missing half the world, glancing to the side.Seeing what you want.Beliefs held selfishly, unable to consider.One eye closed, ignoring the world.
If they faded away

If they faded away

A Poem by Jon Roggie

It is all a memory,and, let us be honest, more than one.Creating yourself.Forming an image.Wishing the past would fade.
Stories without words

Stories without words

A Poem by Jon Roggie

Easy to miss.Sometimes,you feel....Scratch that.Words do not make the story.Granted.They do make it easier to share.You feel it.All around,and ever ne..
Just a touch

Just a touch

A Poem by Jon Roggie

You had to be there.Callous?Look.I am still trying to deal with this.I called the time.11:35
Just a coin

Just a coin

A Poem by Jon Roggie

Bit of a charmsomething which should be thereJust a coin.Now,if asked this is a coin recovered from a shipwreck.East India Company 1808.I need to try ..