When will it feel right? You need to understand.When should the story flow along?There are only glimmers,a bit of shadow showing.You catch one moment,..
Give me an honest answer.Don't dodge, and use the current topics.What worries you?Anyone can play along with the passing time.You still have the day t..
Let's be honest.It is so easy to give in.The anger grips your soul,and you can flow away.Let the crowd take over.Nothing new.Many have felt the result..
Mature was chosen to dodge any rules or whatever.
I have been unsure of what to say.Too many are using our current events,and simply trying to add to their own views.The victims are left forgotten.Don..
You only catch it while spinning the dial,or for those more recent, when you hit scan.A few words,and then the voice vanishes.Drowned out by the white..
The little girl won't leave me alone.I am wondering where the parents are,but still...She looked up at me,and smiled."You looked sad, but you lost you..
The grand gestures are often left on the stage,while the changes are made behind the curtains.How are you supposed to see the difference?So many deals..
One of my inspirations for writing.
Frank Herbert's Dune
Someone might try to take the music away,but you don't have to let them.You still have an instrument to play.You know where to place your finger on th..