Granted.I have been sulking most of the day.Part of the problem when you are given responsibilities.I have learned to loath that word.They wouldn't le..
Days are set by appointments.Forgotten by lost calls.Knowing you have to be there.Doctor's are unforgiving. Well, at least the billing departments ar..
I realize this might be starting to sound egotistical.The hardest part is learning how to manage your ego.In my defense,I was already distracted.I sho..
At this point,I must digress.A Place of Stories has been around for years.Three lovely ladies run the place,and keep the customers in line.Anne, Julia..
Have you ever seen someone experiencing something completely new?When it is something good,you can't help yourself.You just smile.I take my little com..
I don't want to look down.You have to understand I have been having visits.Something I should have noticed.Never let you drift away.Knowing she won't ..
You can learn how to do anything.Well,maybe not how to fly a fighter jet.Most of us don't have access to one of those,and it could go horribly wrong.A..
We walk in silence. She does this to me everytime.I can even see the trace of a smirk on her face.She always waits for me to speak first.I try to put ..
I realize I can't hide.Eventually, I will hear a knock on my door.Plus, I am out of coffee,and the cupboards are a little bare.One pack of ramen will ..
Work in progress