Jon Roggie : Writing



A Poem by Jon Roggie

Words fall off the tongue so easily,especially when they have been said before.Popular beliefs spoken, just another echo.No need for any thought,repea..
Blank canvas

Blank canvas

A Poem by Jon Roggie

Forgotten,and waiting for your touch.Preconceived imagery, left behind.Remaining colorless.Longing for the brush.
Simple soul

Simple soul

A Poem by Jon Roggie

The complexities of life are only passing.Our choices last for a moment,and vanish, leaving only a vague memory.A glimpse of our true self is precious..
Learning process

Learning process

A Poem by Jon Roggie

If I would settle for the life around me,with no attempt to make a change, it would be a waste.As time passes,we are given opportunities.We get to mak..
Hands burned smooth

Hands burned smooth

A Poem by Jon Roggie

I offer you my hand,one with no lines.Past has made its mark,and will continue.Knowing this,I will still reach.Showing an open hand.
Constant state of wonder

Constant state of wonder

A Poem by Jon Roggie

There are always the sidesteps.Thoughts about the current life.Problems mixed in.World being the world.I still feel bemused.So many moments.Instantane..
We have our own voices

We have our own voices

A Poem by Jon Roggie

I understand influences.It is natural to fall into patterns.Reflecting the words, those we remember fondly.They are still our words.Those words make t..
Breath in a frozen morning

Breath in a frozen morning

A Poem by Jon Roggie

It has been a long night.The child has been tucked in bed,and seems to be sleeping peacefully.She could be faking,but if so, seems to give her a momen..
Uninvited guest

Uninvited guest

A Poem by Jon Roggie

To be honest,this describes my writing.I am the one who shows up at the party,and starts having conversations.Some wonder who I know,but it would be r..
Where was I?

Where was I?

A Poem by Jon Roggie

One of the problems with stories,at least one I run into,is the teller loses their place.Honestly,did you think we had this on some kind of card? Wait..